Fashion search!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Introduction to perfection!!

Hey there, My name's Joey Star, and im here to present to you the Fashion portion of the Make A Difference blog. 

Im here to bring you the HOTTEST fashion advice tips, reviews and EXCLUSIVES!!

So let me tell you a little about myself, you already know my name, so let's go a little deeper.

I was born and raised in a tiny little state called Maine ( I know it's a shame ) i went to school all the way to my second year of high school, where i was removed and then home schooled to give me a better chance at my career im the fashion world!

Now, I'm a model and freelance makeup artist here in my home town. 
With star's in my eye's my dream to become a world renown model in LA has taken off, and I'm on my way to making my dreams come true.

I have ALWAYS been a fashionable person, that's why i was chosen to run this section of the blog.
There will be 2-3 post a week (depending on how busy i am ) Maybe even mobile posts, on the lasted fashion IN and OUTS.

With my eye for EVERYTHING FABULOUS, follow my advice and you'll be a DIVA in no time :)

Until next time, "A little glam goes a long way" -Joey Star

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